Percentage / Alloying Element
Available Forms
Bismuth aluminium
Up to 5% Bi
Waffle plate
Boron aluminium
3, 4, 8,10% B
Waffle Plate, Cast bar
Calcium aluminium
5,10 or 20% Ca
Waffle Plate
Chromium aluminium
5,10 or 20% Cr
Waffle Plate
Cobalt aluminium
Up to 20% Co
Waffle Plate
Copper aluminium
Up to 50% Cu
Waffle Plate
Silicon aluminium
20, 30, 40, or 50% Si
Waffle Plate, Cast bar
Strontium aluminium
5 or 10% Sr
Waffle Plate, Cast bar
Titanium aluminium
6, 10%, or 15% Ti
Waffle plate, Cast bar
Vanadium aluminium
5 or 10% V
Waffle Plate
Antimony aluminium
10 or 20% Sb
Waffle Plate ,Cast bar
Zirconium aluminium
5, 6, 10% ,or 15%Zr
Waffle Plate